الخميس , ديسمبر 5 2024

English CV


Curriculum Vitae

Up to 7-2024


Personal Informations

Name in full: EL-Sayed Abd-El-Fattah Ahmed El-Kasaby

Surname:    El-Kasaby                                         First name: EL-SayedAbd-El-Fattah

Date of birth: I Feb, 1950.                                 Place of birth:Kafrel-Shaikh ,Egypt.

Nationality: Egyptian                                         Marital Status: Married

Mobile: 002-01223490953

Private Office Phone: 002-013 – 3228400     Fax:002-013 – 3228400

Profession: Emirate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Banha Faculty of Engineering, Banha university, Banha, Egypt.

Job Address: Banha Faculty of Engineering, 13512, Banha ,  Egypt.                                                    

Languages: Arabic, English, and Russian

E-mail : profkasaby@gmail.com                        Website:  www.prof-elkasaby.com     


1 – Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Structures division), June 1974, Faculty of Eng., Ain- Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

2 – Master of Science, Civil Engineering, Dec 1978, Faculty of Eng., Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. {Field of Soil Mechanics and Foundations}.

3 – Ph. Doctor of Civil Engineering, Nov. 1983, MUCU, Moscow, Russia. {Field of Structural Analysis}.

Employment Record

a- Academic Field:

* Jul 1975 to Dec 1978: A Demonstrator at Civil Eng. Dept. Faculty of Eng. Assiut University, Egypt.

* Dec 1978 to Feb. 1984: Assistant Lecturer in Civil Eng. Dept. Faculty of Eng. Assiut University, Egypt.

Feb 1984 to April 1987 : Lecturer in Civil Eng . Dept. Faculty of Eng. Assiut University, Egypt.

* Sept. 1987 to Aug. 1990:  Lecturer in Civil Eng. Dept. Faculty of Eng.Sanaa University, Yemen.

* Aug. 1990 to Oct 1991: Associate Professor in Civil Eng. Dept. Faculty of Eng. Assiut University, Egypt.

* Oct. 1991 to Sept. 1994:   Associate Professor, and Head of Civil Eng. Dept, Banha of   Higher Institute of Technology, Banha, Egypt.

* Sept 1994 to Aug. 2002:   Professor, and Head of Civil Eng. Dept, Banha Institute   of Technology, Banha, Egypt.

* Aug. 2002 to Aug. 2003:   Professor, and Head of Civil Eng. Dept, vice-dean,, Banha Institute of Technology, Banha, Egypt.

* Aug. 2003 to Aug. 2004: Professor, and Head of Civil Eng. Dept, dean, Banha Institute of Technology, Banha, Egypt.

* Aug. 2004 to July 2010: Professor, Civil Eng . Dept, Banha Institute of Technology, Banha University, Egypt.

* July 2010 up to now: Emirate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Banha Faculty of Engineering, Banha university, Banha, Egypt.


B – Field of Restoration and Conservation of Heritage and Historic Buildings:

** Aug. 1998 to Jan. 2001:   Consultant of Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt.

** Jan. 2001 to Jul. 2009: Consultant and head of high engineering committee of   Historic Cairo development project, bureau of Minister of Culture, Cairo, Egypt.

** Aug. 2001 to Feb. 2011:  Consultant of ministry projects, bureau of Minister of Culture, Cairo, Egypt.

** July. 2009 to Feb. 2011:   head of general Supervising committee of Historic Cairo development project, bureau of Minister of Culture, Cairo, Egypt.

** Feb. 2011 to April 2012: Consultant, head of general Supervising committee and head of high engineering committee of Historic Cairo development project, bureau of Minister of Antiquities, Cairo, Egypt

Published Books

*  Theory of Structures, 195 pages, 2 editions 1992, 1999 Dar El-kotib El-Almia , Cairo, ISBN. 3-16-5035- 977, Local No. 3658/1992. (in English Language).

 Contracts and Specifications of constructional Works, 440 pages, 3 editions 1992,1995, 2003 Dar El-Kotib  El-Almia, Cairo , ISBN. 5-15-5035-977, Local No. 3657/1992 (in Arabic Language).

* Quantities of Constructional Works, 255 pages, 4 editions 1993,1995,1999,2009 Dar El-Kotib  El-Almia , Cairo, ISBN. 9-37-5035-977, Local No. 9264 /1992 (in Arabic Language).

*  Soil Mechanics, 572 pages, 3 editions 1993,1999, 2007 Dar El-Kotib El-Almia, Cairo, ISBN.  2-39-5035-977, Local No. 9678 /1993 (in Arabic Language).

* Shallow Foundation Engineering, 573 pages, 2 editions 1997, 2003, Dar El-Kotib El-Almia, Cairo, ISBN. 3-22-782-977, Local No. 3052 /1997. (in Arabic Language).

*  Deep Foundation Engineering, 888 pages, 2 editions 2000, 2002, Dar El-Kotib El-Almia, Cairo, ISBN. 0-130-287-977, Local No. 9437 /2000. (in Arabic Language).

*  Deep Foundation Engineering, modern and improved edition in 2 volumes   1097 pages, 2009, Dar El-Kotib El-Almia, Cairo, ISBN. 9-856-287-977, Local No. 22269 /2008. ( in Arabic Language ).

*  Structural Restoration of concrete buildings, 572 pages, 2009, Dar El-Kotib El-Almia, Cairo, ISBN. 3-876-287-977, Local No. 4102/2009. (in Arabic Language).

* Structural Restoration of Historic buildings,5 volumes, Dar El-Kotib El-Almia, Cairo, ISBN.  4-165-726-977-978 Local No. 7894/2016, ISBN.  7-193-726-977-978, Local No. 4061/2017, ISBN. 6-202-726-977-978, Local No. 9318/2017 (in Arabic Language). Vol.4 and vol.5 under publishing

Published Papers

Nearly 100 papers included 12 papers in the field of restoration and conversations of historic and modern building have been published in the international and national scientific conferences and magazines (until July 2024).

Academic Experience

 Master Thesis Supervising:

47Thesis Published since 1985 up to now from many Egyptian Universities

 Doctor Degree Thesis Supervising:

15 Thesis Published since 1997 from 7 Egyptian Universities.

Sharing as investigator in the international and national scientific conferences in Egypt, Singapore, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Tunisia.

* Visiting more than 160 towns in 31 countries around the world.

 *   Teaching the Following Courses to Post Graduate Students:

Advanced Soil Mechanics, Advanced Foundation Engineering, Advanced Structural Analysis and Advanced repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures.

*   Teaching the Following Courses to undergraduate Students:

Theory of Structures, Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Quantities and Specifications, Steel Structures and Engineering Economy, Repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures, Restoration and conservation of building.

*   Serving as Visited Lecturer in:

Sanaa university (Yemen), Cairo, Assuit, Minia, Zagazig, Monifia, Tanta and Helwan Universities, Egypt.

*   Founding the Following Laboratories:

    – Soil Mechanics and Foundation Lab, Highway Lab. and Strength of Materials Lab in Sanaa University, Yemen.

    – Soil Mechanics and Foundation Lab., Strength of Materials Lab and Survey Lab. in Banha Higher Institute of Technology, Egypt.

    –  Soil Mechanics and Foundation Lab., in Tanta University, Egypt.

* Student Projects Supervising:

Foundations Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Management, and Reinforced Concrete

Field Experience

* Member of: Egyptian code committee of soil mechanics and foundations

* Member of: Egyptian Engineers syndicate. No: 646\4.

* Member of: Federation of Arab Engineers. No: 16/5989-2014

*Member of: Egyptian Society of Engineers No: 2919 – civil and Egyptian Geotechnical Engineering society

*Consultant of Soil Mechanics and Foundations since 1992 by Egyptian Engineering syndicate.

*Consultant of reinforced Concrete Structures since 1997 by Egyptian Engineering syndicate.

*Founding Private Office since 1992 for consulting works of civil projects. Hundreds consultant reports, soil investigation reports, examination, quality control, restoration and conservation of building and structures have been prepared. Many deferent projects like: Factories, Hospitals, Tall buildings, Schools, Institutes, Faculties, Tanks, Bridges, Steel Structures and different buildings have been completely designed.

* Serving as a Consultant in Consultative Centers in:

Assuit University, Sanaa University, Tanta University, and Banha Higher Institute of Technology.

* Serving as A Consultant for   many organizations in Egypt.

* Serving as A Consultant for Examining and restoration and repairing many buildings in Egypt.

* Sharing as A Consultant of Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities and Historic Cairo development project in planning and studying restoration and conservation projects of ancient Egypt (Pharaonic), Christian(Coptic), Islamic Antiquities and monuments and historic buildings.

* Supervising as an owners Consultant for projects of restoration and conservation of many hundreds projects of ancient Egypt (Pharaonic), Christian (Coptic), Islamic Antiquities, monuments and historic buildings, for example:

* Study lowering ground water level of many projects; Karnak temple, Luxer temple, Luxer and the sphinx area, Abu-Sirgachurch, Abu-Zwila church, Cairo.